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An Epee is one of the three types of swords used in the sport of Fencing. When using an Epee, you must stab your opponent, and you are not limited by target area, as the whole body is game. The other two types of blade are Sabers and Foils.

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16y ago

Epee's origins come from a duel in older days, one that is more honorable that a potential duel to the death. It is simply a duel to first blood, as evidenced by the lack of restrictions on target area in the sport.

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What do you call a person that uses an epee?

The epee is used in sport fencing. It is also an event in the modern pentathlon.

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The epee is heavier and a bit more stiff, having a larger bell-guard and a thicker blade.

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That could be either the foil or the epee, as both are fencing swords with four letters in their titles.

What does the word epee mean?

An epee is a slender fencing sword used in duels. It has a bowl shaped hand guard with no blade, and the end is blunted.

Who is the best epee coach in NJ?

A very good epee coach whom I have had in NJ (all though I believe he travels to different states too, and he is Hungarian) is Kornel Udvarhelyi. He is a very intense epee coach, and if you train with him, expect sore muscles!