The epee is used in sport fencing. It is also an event in the modern pentathlon.
It means you put away the weapon called the epee
Henry Cabot Henhaus III , AKA Super Chicken , brandished an epee .
The epee is heavier and a bit more stiff, having a larger bell-guard and a thicker blade.
That could be either the foil or the epee, as both are fencing swords with four letters in their titles.
An epee is a slender fencing sword used in duels. It has a bowl shaped hand guard with no blade, and the end is blunted.
A very good epee coach whom I have had in NJ (all though I believe he travels to different states too, and he is Hungarian) is Kornel Udvarhelyi. He is a very intense epee coach, and if you train with him, expect sore muscles!