

Which is the heaviest in fencing thefoil or the epee?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The epee is heavier and a bit more stiff, having a larger bell-guard and a thicker blade.

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Q: Which is the heaviest in fencing thefoil or the epee?
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The epee is used in sport fencing. It is also an event in the modern pentathlon.

What are the fencing weoppons?

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Foil, Epee, and Saber

What is the name of the fencing sword?

there are three, the foil, the epee, and the Sabre

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The word is spelled "epee". It's a fencing sword.

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There are three types of fencing, involving three different weapons: Epee, Foil, and Sabre.

What does the word epee mean?

An epee is a slender fencing sword used in duels. It has a bowl shaped hand guard with no blade, and the end is blunted.

What is the difference between an epee fencing sword and a foil fencing sword?

An epee will typically have a broader, deeper bell guard around the grip than a foil, which has a much smaller guard. When fencing with an electric weapon, the epee's tip requires a simple depression to activate the scoring light, whereas the foil's tip must depress when in contact with an opponent's lame.

What is used for fencing?

There are three types of blades [swords] one is foil, sabre, and epee

What is the fencer's weapon?

Fencing has three weapons and a fencer will specialize in one of them. They are the Epee, the Foil, and the Sabre.

Four letter word for dagger?

That could be either the foil or the epee, as both are fencing swords with four letters in their titles.