Karate-ka - Karate student
Sensei means "teacher"
Sempai means "Senior" (as in senior karate student)
Taylor Lautner began doing karate when he was 6 years old.
God only knows because there are no documents or records of it.
No, karate is about being a better person.
karate is better for body it make strong person and person never will be ill.
No, after he started acting he didn't have enough time to keep doing karate
Karate does not affect one's height.
Karate is practiced in bare feet. The karate uniform is called a gi.
Karate means open hand, no weapons
Karate Kid's real name is Val Armorr.
Jaden Smith's name was Dre Parker in Karate Kid.
He likes baseball, Jazz (which he has been doing for a while), karate (which he has won local, national and international certificates award, he has been doing karate since he was 7), and of course he loves acting!
Not unless it is at the start of a sentence or part of a formal name. Karate is studied in a dojo. He went to the dojo to study karate. He studies Shidokan Karate.