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The way of the empty hand.

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Q: What is the meaning of karate do?
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What is the meaning of the poem Karate Kid by Jane Yolen?

karate is for good, not for bullying, and not fighting for fun. Its to keep inner peace and self defense

Where does the word karat come from?

The word karate is a Japanese word for the particular Martial Arts style. The word karate means "empty hand" (kara empty, te hand) and was earlier known simply as "hand" or "Chinese hand" after it was developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom (Okinawa).

What is the description of karate?

Karate is a martial art. The meaning is open hand or China hand. It originated in Okinawa many centuries ago as a combination of Chinese Kung Fu and Okinawan wrestling.

What means the ward ''karate''?

The word "karate" literally means empty hands, meaning the ability to fight without weapons, through use of hands, feet, elbows and other body parts.

How do you say karate in Chinese?

in mandarin, it is "kong shou quian" meaning open handed martial arts

Is Kata a karate move?

Kata is a Japanese word meaning "Cutting Ground." It is the name used for the patterns used to teach karate to students. It is a way of remembering moves, training the body and improving concentration and focus. Kata is the basis of karate.

When did karate come to the US?

Karate was created in Okinawa. It was brought to Australia by the Japanese and Okinawans. While there were certainly practitioners there a long time ago, it was probably in the 1930's that it was first brought to the country.

What is another name for karate?

Okinawa is the country of origin for karate. The word is made up of two characters. The second one is te, meaning hand. The first can mean two different things, though it is said the same way. Kara can mean China and was the original term used. Later, in an attempt to distance themselves from China, the Okinawa masters stated that they would use the meaning of Empty.

What is the best karate movie?

try karate kid, it is very funny... hope i helped

Does karate come from the Japanese?

It comes from Japanese, kara, meaning empty and te, meaning hand.Technically it should be karate-do, do means way so it becomes the way of the empty hand. By empty hand here they mean without weapons.

How many karate kid movies have there been?

There were 4: 1)Karate Kid 2)Karate Kid Part 2 3)Karate Kid part 3 4)The next Karate Kid.