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Okinawa is the country of origin for karate. The word is made up of two characters. The second one is te, meaning hand. The first can mean two different things, though it is said the same way. Kara can mean China and was the original term used. Later, in an attempt to distance themselves from China, the Okinawa masters stated that they would use the meaning of Empty.

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Karate is an umbrella term to refer to various styles of martial arts. It stands for "Empty hands". There is no alternative word for Karate.

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Karate is practiced in bare feet. The karate uniform is called a gi.

Were does the name karate come from?

Karate means open hand, no weapons

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Karate Kid's real name is Val Armorr.

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Jaden Smith's name was Dre Parker in Karate Kid.

What is the name of the person doing karate?

Karate-ka - Karate student Sensei means "teacher" Sempai means "Senior" (as in senior karate student)

Does karate have to be capitalized?

Not unless it is at the start of a sentence or part of a formal name. Karate is studied in a dojo. He went to the dojo to study karate. He studies Shidokan Karate.

What is karate in Tagalog?

It is called karate in every country, using the name given to it in Okinawa.

What was name of rival karate group in Karate Kid?

Cobra Kai.

Where can you get a karate timeline?

That will depend on what it is you are looking for. If there is a specific style of karate, your organization is probably the best bet. If you are looking for karate in general Mark Bishop's book Okinawan Karate is a good source. Haines Karate's History and Tradition is another source.

Name a martial art that begins with an S?

* Shuri ryu Karate * Shorin ryu Karate

How do you do 2 combination in karate?

You do one technique, and then another.

What is another word for karate?

There really is no equivalent word for karate. Many will use the style of karate, such as Shidokan or Shotokan or Isshinryu, but that is a sub-set of karate rather than saying the same thing. And karate is a sub-set of martial arts, so that is not the same.