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Stunner lands sitting down, rko is a jump and lands on his back

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13y ago

yes because randys weight and your weight pulls and pushes your face fast in to the mat which by Matt hardys interveiw in his DVD is 1 inch of foam with a main bottom made of wood

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Q: What is the difference between the RKO and the Stone Cold Stunner?
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Revenge. Goldberg speared Stone Cold by a mistake, he was actually aiming for mr. Mcman but missed. stone Cold still wanted revenge, THAT STUPID RATTLE SNAKE!

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By Beaten Vince McMahon And Stunner Him Then You Will Unlock Stone Cold Steve Austin Thanks Jacob ClyMc

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well this answer is tricky hmm they both fake act in the ring stone cold is more famos in the ring however HHH is married to the bosses daughter in real life and has hold more championships than stone cold !!! so i have to say HHHAngelle1119 disagrees: No way Stone Cold Steve Austin is a legend! He could Whoop HHH's butt any day.