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While all four styles incorporate moves that utilize the entire body, they each have specific functions and restrictions and have origins in different countries. * Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial arts that places emphiasis on the legs. While it does incorporate punches, it focuses mainly on kicking your opponent. It has incorporated many aspects of Karate and uses almost identical forms. * Karate is an Okinawan style which places emphiasis on strikes. It is often viewed as a very basic style, which it is, but if used correctly it can produce some of the most powerful attacks that can be performed with a fist. It's based on a combination of Chinese styles and Okinawan fighting arts. * Kung Fu is not a style. It is often misunderstood to be a style because it is so loosely used as a general term for Chinese Martial Arts. What it means is similar to saying "achievement through great effort". A style that most are looking for when they think "Kung Fu" is "wushu". Wushu utilizes strikes, kicks, locks, throws, and the use of weaponry. * Ninjitsu is not necessarily a martial art either. Many believe it to be because of what they read or see on TV. The name itself also sounds like a really cool style of fighting. But truth have it, the way of the "ninja" isn't to stand and fight (though they can and will if needed). Rather, they incorporate matial arts and unconventional warfare tactics in espionage. The term comes from Japan and is was applied to people who performed these acts of espionage because they were considered below the social classes or non-human.

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Martial arts is a term used to related to the art of combat. Any skill useful to a soldier is considered a martial art, whether it is a sword, knife, rifle or unarmed combat. In today's world, it is used as a generic term for unarmed combat, particularly those originating in Asia.

Kung Fu is the term used by 'Westerners' to refer to the combat skills of China. Wushu is the approved term used by the Chinese Government for the exhibition and sparring competitions that incorporate these martial arts.

Karate is a martial art that was developed on Okinawa. It combined techniques of some of the Chinese martial arts with local Wrestling to create karate. Since then many variations have been created, including contributing to the martial arts of Japan and Korea.

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What is the difference between wushu and karate?

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Naruto does Ninjitsu.

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No, they are not the same. Kung fu originated in China. Some aspects of kung fu have been incorporated into various styles of taekwondo through the Okinawa karate styles.

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Karate came from Okinawa, which is now a part of Japan. Kung Fu is from China.

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It depends on what you mean by mix. Karate already incorporates aspects of kung fu.

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Wushu is the Chinese martial art also known as kung fu and is not karate.Wushu is not Karate. It is more of a sports nature kung fu. Karate orginated in Japan (Okinawa) whereas Wushu is an Chinese martial art.

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Who brought karate to china?

Kung fu can to China from India. Bodhidharma a Buddhist monk traveled there. Kung fu was taken to the Ryukyu Islands and became Karate.