nothing is better, but some things are equal, like: running, Video Games and a ps3 and 4
None,judo and karate are two different things, each one has its advantages anddisadvantages.In judo you have to throw people to the ground. In Karate you can punch and kick.
ballet is way better way more skilled and advanced than karate if you are doing karate and not ballet then you are a full moron you have to be way more skilled to do ballet then you have to do to do karate and karate is just kicking radomly and punching radomly ballet is way more organized than that
Better for what? You need to ask what is better for you. They both have different aspects on discipline and execution of techniques.
karate Kid
No, karate is about being a better person.
I would say karate but it is all a matter of opinion.!! :)
In one on one unarmed situations JUDO In multiple opponents or if your attacker has a weapon, KARATE But, just for your information, there is no better martial art than others, it really depends on the skill.
Tae kwon do is the Korean version of karate. Neither is 'better' than the other. It will also depend upon what the student is looking for. Visit both dojo and see what you like and don't like about what you see.
karate is better for body it make strong person and person never will be ill.
There is no country who is better. all have the opportunity of doing the best.
Woman and men are equally the same at karate if they practise the same amount of time.
Their are different style's of Karate with Different good or Bad points 'Shodokan is lower and is more solid, Gojo is more upright and better flow, also different instructor's with different perspectives and levels of experience and ability to pass on that experience as is the same for Tai Kwon Do, Basically Tai Kwon Do has better jumping/ spinning Kicks where as Karate is generally more grounded and has more punches/strikes with lower solid kicks.