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In many of the oldest traditions in the Martial Arts, a black belt was the result of years and years of training, such that the white belt eventually became black. In these traditions, it is improper to wash or launder the belt, as it served as a sign of respect to the art itself (or for other reasons). A "brown belt" was an experienced martial artist whose belt wasn't quite black.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

A black belt certificate is like an accomplishment. It is similar to a diploma. It is something with proves that you have reached the top in this field. Of course, like any other diploma, it does give you the right to teach and pass on what you have learned.

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Where can you get a DVD to become a black belt?

You cannot become a legitimate black belt through DVDs. To become a true black belt you must train with an instructor. You can learn many techniques from DVDs, but there are corrections and subtle movements that cannot be communicated through a video.

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yes but you get that AFTER you get your black belt and beat the sensei.

What Color is Santa's belt?

His belt is black with a gold buckle

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the brown belt is before the black belt in allcountries.

How do you get a black belt with a cheat?

You can't cheat to get your black belt because a black belt is not something you wear. It's something you are.

Why is Santa so good at karate?

Santa is good at Karate because he has a "Black Belt". MERRY KICK-MAS!

What dan grade is jean claude van damme?

i hear ed he's 10th degree black-beltHes a 4th degree Black Belt under Claude Goetz In ShotokanKarate . After your second Degree your considered a master .That is not true. You are not a Master in Shotokan Karate-do until you are a 5th dan. Black Belt. a Grand Master is a 10th Degree Black Belt.

Do black shoes go with a brown belt?

No, you should always try to match your belt and shoes, i.e. black belt with black shoes.

If you kill a black belt do you become a black belt?

No, you become a convict.

You are a wrestler and defeated a black belt in Karate does this entitle you to a black belt?

No. You have to earn the belts over time, even if you defeat a black belt.

In kick boxing is there belts?

Yes there are. The system goes: Yellow belt orange belt green belt purple belt blue belt red belt brown belt brown/black belt black belt Then black belt degrees.

When was Black Belt Patriotism created?

Black Belt Patriotism was created in 2008.