There is no special word for a Fencing practice; it is typically called just that: practice. Occasionally they will drill, working on specific actions, and occasionally they will bout, and play a Poule (a mini-tournament among the fencers).
In fencing, "hit" refers to successfully making contact with your opponent's target area using your weapon. So, "hit in the fencing" means landing a clean strike on your opponent during a fencing match.
The French word for fencing is "l'escrime"
Kenjutsu, and it means exactly that "fencing."
It was Nnouced a the wrong winner
In the sport of fencing, the area of play is called the strip or piste. See the following:
They are called Fencers.
There are three types of fencing swords each with different rules : Foil, Eppe and Sabre. The blade of a foil is called a "Foil blade"The blade of an eppe is called an "Eppe Blade"Etc
It's just called "Fencing jacket"