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It's just called "Fencing jacket"

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it is known as a mask

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Q: What is the name of the helmet used in fencing?
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What is the jacket you wear during fencing?

The jacket that you wear during fencing, is a white shirt with gloves, and a helmet. That's what people wear during fencing.

Elizabethan name for a helmet?

It was called a European close helmet usually used in jousting during the 15th century.

What is the name of the sword-twisting disarming move?

One of the disarming that is used while fencing or used while using a sword is known as the Disarmo Soprano maneuver that can really be helpful for fencing.

What is the name of a horse riders helmet?

There is no typical name for it besides helmet, but it can also be called an equestrian helmet

Name of mat used in sword fencing?

When fencing, one does not have a "mat" underfoot. Instead, there is a strip, or a "piste". This strip is always marked out when fencing, and in official competitions will be metal and grounded so as fencers are unable to score touches by hitting the floor.

What is the helmet?

A English name to say helmet?

What is the name for a Hussar's helmet?

ummmm a hussars helmet Actually the name and origin were taken from the Germans and called a pappenheim helmet.

What is the name of a roman helmet in Latin?

Helmet = Cassis

What are the suits used in the sport of fencing?

The white suits beneath the lamé (if there is one - foil and sabre) are called jackets, and the silver-colored vest over the jacket is called a lamé. The helmet is called a mask, and the leggings are knickers.

What are the four types of farm fencing that are useful in securing a farm?

Fencing around your farm protects your farm from intruders, and wildlife. Here are the mostly used farm fences. Woven wire fence - These fences can be manufactured and installed in various sizes based on the size of the livestock. This fence is also used for keeping pests and predators away from livestock. Electric fencing - This kind of fencing are mostly used for containing livestock. Electric fencing is commonly used as an added security feature in combination the installation of other fences. Barbed wire - Barbed wire fencing is a proven choice when you need a long lasting, tough fencing. These are the commonly used farm fencing. For all your fencing needs you can also visit ""

What was the name of the helmet the British and Americans adopted?

M1917 Brodie helmet

What is another name for a visored helmet?

It is an armet. Early Italian military helmet