The Japanese translation for share is wakeaimasu. or you can go to an online English to Japanese dictionary.
the closet English translation is "carnage"
the nearest translation/japanese equivilent is 'ningyo'
"Clarity" is not a Japanese word, but the English to Japanese translation for "clarity" is 明瞭さ (meiryousa).
The Japanese language has many different forms of the English word "grand". One Japanese translation (spelled with the English alphabet) would be "gurando".
The English translation for "tomodachi" is friend. tomodachi is friend in Japanese.
It's informal for 'us' or 'we'.
Kuro is a Japanese word. The English translation is "black".
The Japanese translation for butterfly is Choucho, or just cho. 蝶
Although there are a number of different sites that offer the service of language translation, it has been found that there is not a translation for a Japanese word doujin. There have been multiple efforts to find this translation and the results come up with the same word as a translation. Further research has shown that the word doujin refers to a Japanese cartoon.