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White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown, Red, Black. There are also senior levels of all the belts (except white), which is that specific color with a black stripe through the middle.

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White Belt is the traditional starting point for students.

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Q: What belt do you have when you just start karate?
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In karate do you automaticaly start off with a white belt?

In most schools you start with a white belt. Some make you earn that right and don't allow a belt until you show your dedication.

What do you have to accomplish to get a white belt in karate?

Research has shown that the green belt is 7th belt that can be achieved in Karate. One must achieve each level in karate in order to move up to the next level. Prior to achieving the green belt one would have to earn a blue, then a yellow belt, orange belt, blue belt, purple belt, green with white stripes belt and the next step would be the green belt.

How much does the uniform cost for GKR karate?

Karate Uniforms (Gi's) For Gkr Karate are $50 each and come with a belt (White Belt) And Club Logo. Just ask your Sensei or the person that marks your card when you go to your local dojo

What is the next kaigan karate belt after white?

the next kaigan karate belt after white is orange

What color of karate belt is a second degree master?

black. it just has the roman # symbol

In Karate which comes first a yellow belt or a white belt?

white There is a old story to the history of the Karate belt orders: when Japan was in poverty they couldn't afford getting a new belt every belt test so they would start out with white, dye the white yellow, dye the yellow orange, and so on until the belt was completely black of dying.

What is the lowest belt in Indian karate?

The beginning belt in almost all martial arts is white. Some will make you earn that, so that you start without an obi.

How can you master karate at brown belt?

You don't master karate at brown belt. You don't normally ever master karate. The best thing to do is to practice often and hard.

Did the singer songwriter Ricky Nelson have a black belt in karate?

No, he reached brown belt in karate. Then he studied Jeet Kine Do.

Why is Santa so good at karate?

Santa is good at Karate because he has a "Black Belt". MERRY KICK-MAS!

How do you spell karate belt?


What is a karate award called?
