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The names are based on the town they originated near. The three are Shuri, Tori and Tomaru.

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Q: What are the three main karate styles of okinawa?
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Is Karate from Japan?

Sort of. Karate was developed on Okinawa, which is now a part of Japan. It used to be a separate country and a tributary of China. Karate was a combination of the Okinawa wrestling and Chinese Kung Fu. In the 1930's karate was introduced to the main islands of Japan.

What are the styles of Japanese karate?

I hope you meant the three branches in the sense of practice session. During a practice session, the three branches are.Kihon- Teaching basic techniquesKata- An organized set of techniques that are performed to understand the applicationKumite- Fighting practice involving karate techniques.

What does shotokan mean?

The word shotokan is made up of three Japanese Kanji characters. The first two, Sho, which means pine tree, and To, meaning waves, is literally translated as "Pine waves". Pine waves is the sound made by the wind blowing through pine needles. Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of modern Karate, signed his calligraphy works with the name Shoto. His students built the first freestanding dojo in Japan and named it Shotokan. Kan is the Japanese character for building, making the literal translation "Pine waves building". The word Shotokan has become synonymous with the style of karate taught by Master Funakoshi.

Does it snow in okinawa Japan?

Yes it does No. it doen't! Main land Japan does but no in Okinawa!

What is wada ryu karate?

Wada ryu karate is a form of karate that has influences from all the main styles of karate, but the only differences are in the kata's. for example, the pinan's and unsu are from Wada ryu style.

What was the sighificance of the battle of okinawa?

Wining okinawa was getting one island getting closer to Japan's main land.

What are the differences between the main forms of karate?

It would be hard to generalize a difference. Karate, while it focuses on striking, it also involves grappling techniques. The styles differ in the kata that they learn, but even those show a great deal of similarity. The basic blocks, kicks and punches are extremely similar.

Who are the characters in Karate Kid?

the two main characters of The Karate Kid are: Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan

How much of the karate does Jaden Smith really do in the movie Karate Kid?

He is in the entire movie. he is the MAIN character

What are the main sports played at UKA?

The main sports played at the UKA or United Karate Alliance are mainly martial arts. The main three are Sparring, Weapons, and Forms. They often hold tournaments and also offer classes as well.

What language is spoken by okinawa?

The main language spoken in Okinawa is Okinawan, which is a dialect of the Ryukyuan language. However, Japanese is also widely spoken and used for official purposes.

Main styles used in the Caribbean music?

There are various styles that are used in Caribbean music. Some of the main styles used are zouk, calypso, soca, reggae, and cadence-lypso.