There are scores of karate styles, most of them offshoots of other styles of karate. The primary styles as recognized by the World Karate Federation for form exercises are:
Almost all other styles are influenced by one or more of these. If you're curious, Chuck Norris has an 8th degree black belt in Tai Kwon do.
They are not levels they are belts,which in shotokan karate is in the order of:
purple one stripe
brown one stripe
brown two stripe
black 1st dan
black 2nd dan
" 3rd dan
" 4th dan
" 5th dan
" 6th dan
" 7th dan
" 8th dan
" 9th dan
" 10th dan
'Kyu' are the ranks for color belts in karate. There are generally 10 kyu belts. White is the 10th kyu and brown belt the 1st kyu.
Most black belts are made of silk. They last a lot longer then the cotton belts normally used for kyu levels and you will have the black belt for the rest of your life.
ABSOLUTELY!! It doesnt matter how old you are to join karate and earn belts. There was a woman in my karate class and she was 72 years old.....Karate is for anyone who is willing to learn disipline and respect!
They are black.
Belts states the level of your expertize in the sport. It also inspires you to work harder to win the next belt!
'Kup' are the ranks for the color belts under the rank of black belt in Korean martial arts. There are generally 10 to 12 kup levels. White is the lowest kup and brown belt is usually 1st kup.
It will depend on the style of karate being taught at your YMCA. They are not the same everywhere. The instructor will be able to provide you the requirements for the various belts.
Karate belts are used to indicate a student's rank. It is visible marker of what a student has learned. It helps instructors to know at a glance what level the student is at and what techniques they are working on learning. Color patterns vary, but in general go from light colors to dark colors. While many think that black belt is the highest level, it is just the beginning of the levels. Most of the martial arts have ten levels of black belt. In the traditional Okinawa styles of karate, 7 and 8 degree black belts are actually white and red striped belts. The highest two, 9 and 10 are a solid red belt.
Originally there were no colored belts. That system is relatively new, less than 100 years. The karate-ka borrowed the system of Judo, which was light blue, white, brown, black, red and white and red. Each school, style and organization have developed their own systems and they vary a great deal.
i got some from ebay.
White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown, Red, Black. There are also senior levels of all the belts (except white), which is that specific color with a black stripe through the middle.
green black and red