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18, but it will vary according to local laws in the territory you are in.

If you mean amateur sumo, there is no minimum. You can start doing sumo for fun anywhere and any time you please. If you mean professional Sumo which exists only in Japan, the minimum is 16, and the oldest you can be when starting out is 23.

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14y ago
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13y ago

While they may play at Wrestling at any age, official sumo requires you attend a 6 month school. To be eligible, you must have completed junior high, or 9 years of school. That means 15 or 16 for most boys.

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13y ago

You must have completed 9 years of the education system to be eligible to join a sumo stable. This means an age of about 15 or 16. They then take the six month Sumo Training School, which gets them into shape and teaches them the history and basics of sumo.

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9y ago

It used to be 4

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Q: What age do you have to be to sumo wrestle?
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Where can you learn to Sumo wrestle?

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Women are allowed to sumo wrestle but they can only compete at the amateur level. Women are not allowed to touch the sumo wrestling ring or enter professional sumo competition. This is due to the belief that women touching the wrestling ring will make the dohyo not pure.

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You go to the sumo wrestling place and do Kanji copies, then sumo wrestle. You have to defeat the Yokozuna (champion), which makes the policeman lose his bet.

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Are sumo wrestlers allow to have wives?

Anyone can become a sumo wrestler. The first step is to be accepted into a sumo stable, a sort of club or commune where you live and train. You can enter a stable at a young age, as young as 13.

How can you wrestle for WWE at a young age?

You can't legally wrestle for the company under the age of 18, primarily because the company has to adhere to various state athletic commissions when they perform in different states, and most states require you to be a legal adult to wrestle/perform.