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32 years old and akie n akil are my nephrews

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Floyd Mayweather Jr is 33 years old (birthdate: February 24, 1977).

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Q: What age did mayweather start boxing?
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What make of boxing gloves does Floyd Mayweather Jr wear?

Floyd Mayweather wears Grant boxing gloves.

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Who is the face of boxing now?

The face of boxing right now is Floyd Mayweather... Or u could say Manny Pacquiao... I would say Mayweather.

Is Floyd Mayweather and Floyd Mayweather JR the same person?

Yup. Floyd mayweather is a former boxer who is now a trainer at boxing Floyd mayweather jr is a current boxer who is undefeated currently.

Can 12 year olds start boxing?

yes 14 is a good age to start boxing

Where do you find the reebox boxing shoes mayweather jr wears?

Who won the boxing match between Floyd mayweather and marquis?

Money Mayweather won it on points. Sorry for the lateness of this answer as you would know the result by not.

At what age did Oscar De La Hoya start boxing?

at age 6 .

Who is the Best Boxing Padwork Mittwork Trainer in NJ?

A Professional / Celebrity & Amateur boxing trainer named James Ricky Coward aka "Coach Rick" moniker "The Mittologist".. He is considered and endorsed by countless professional trainers around the United States and Internationally as one of the best and most progressive boxing padwork trainers in the world. His mittwork is recognized as second only to world class and renowned boxing trainer, Roger Mayweather of Mayweather Boxing Gym, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Coach Rick is also recognized as the first boxing trainer to bring and adapt Roger Mayweather's style of boxing padwork to the state of NJ. He is widely regarded and recognized as the best in NJ at conducting technical Mayweather Style and Traditional boxing padwork / mittwork...

What year did Mike Tyson start boxing?

At age 12

How much have Floyd mayweather gross during his boxing career?

$458 Million Gross

What is flyod Mayweather's record in boxing?

40 wins, with 25 inside the distance, with no losses.