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Both. The story lines are just that, stories. The wrestler allow each other to do the moves to each other; and while the wrestlers may fake being hurt in the ring, there are definitely serious injuries involved in Pro-Wrestling. There is no way to fake falling from 15 feet in the air and land on concrete. The blood is real. Often the wrestlers will cut themselves with concealed razors to help sell the match as a real fight. You have to think of Pro-Wrestling as theater and the wrestlers as actors. I have known many Pro-Wrestlers in my day and I can tell you, when you watch a show like WWE Raw, you will be hard pressed to see a wrestler who isn't wrestling night-in, night-out with slipped discs, broken bones, torn ligaments, separated shoulders or any other of a thousand potential injuries. These men go out to entertain you as often as 5-6 times a week and do it often in a lot of pain because of the love of the business.

So to make a long story short, the stories are fake, the fight it fake, but the danger is real.

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14y ago
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13y ago

It is both! It's acting. But Pay-per-views are real WWE Smackdown is filmed on a tues,shows on Friday

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15y ago

the wrestling is real but it is scripted and has a pre-determined outcome

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Q: Is wrestling real or acted
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