No, Edge is World Heavyweight Champion and The Miz is the WWE Champion. His most recent accomplishment is going 19-0 at Wrestlemania against Triple H
The Undertaker has been WWF champion 11 times total![4 time WWF champion,1 time WWF hardcore champion,and a 6 time WWF world tag team Champion]
definetly yes undertaker is the all time winning champion he is the best definetly yes undertaker is the all time winning champion he is the best
The Undertaker
from the starting of wwe the undertaker has been heavyweight champion.
The Undertaker was a 4-time WWE Champion, 7-time World Heavyweight Champion, 6-time undisputed champion and 4-time cruiser weight champion
hes not
when john cena was champion
Yes Undertaker won at Backlash and is still World Heavyweight Champion
The undertaker will be back in 2011 on march 3 thrd and he will be agenced the world heavyweight champion!
WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, World Tag Team Champion, WCW Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion, undefeated at WrestleMania (15-0)