

Is the UFC fighting fake

Updated: 9/28/2023
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14y ago

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WWE is considered sports "entertainment" or professional Wrestling. The company includes scripted storylines, segments and pre-determined matches. The wrestling is for the most part fake, but they make it look real as much as possible. However that doesn't mean the wrestlers don't get hurt, injured or bloodied by mistake.

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14y ago

No it is not fake. The strikes and grappling moves are all real. it is sanctioned by Athletic commisions around the country. If you are still curious visit an mma gym and watch a training session... as long as you are respectful people will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the sport.

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13y ago

No way all hockey fights are real and it is not a good idea to go up against someone bigger than you.

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Wrestling, as you would see in the olympics, etc, is a part of UFC fighting, but UFC fighting also contains other elements of fighting, including kickboxing and various styles of groundfighting. If you are asking if the UFC is the same as WWE, no, it is not scripted in any way.

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UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) is in no way fake; it is a cage-fighting championship for cross-trained and multi-disciplined martial artists. When a person is punched in the face or breaks a bone it is real. The only rules, effectively, are no gouging, no elbow strikes on the ground, and no small-joint locks (so no breaking fingers, for instance). Pretty much anything else is a go.

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MMA is mixed martial arts and is a sport. UFC is a organization for the sport. It is not the only one. Think football = mma, NFL = UFC.

Is ultimate fighting championship real?

well wwe is fake (and really rubbish) but ufc is real u will not believe me but it is real why do u think alex reid has all them scares

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a ufc would win because wwe is sometimes fake.

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yo moma

Are there any UFC games out for ps2?

Yes UFC: Sudden Impact & Ultimate Fighting Championship: Throwdown