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Q: Is john cheating on Nikki Bella?
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Is Nikki cheating on john?


Did nikki bella and john cena break up?

John Cena and Nikki Bella are still together. Nikki Bella wants to get married and have kids, but John Cena does not see marriage or kids in his future. However, the couple is attempting to compromise.

Are john Cena and Nikki Bella engaged?

Yes nikki loves him

Does john cena likes the bills?

do you mean the Bella's and if you do he likes Nikki bella

Did john cena and nikki break up?

John Cena and Nikki Bella are still together. Nikki Bella wants to get married and have kids, but John Cena does not see marriage or kids in his future. However, the couple is attempting to compromise.

Does john cena date Nikki Bella?


How did Nikki Bella and john cena meet?

In the WWE

How did nikki bella meet john cena?

In the WWE

What is the name of John Cena's girlfriend?

Nikki Bella

Did john cena and bella break up?

John Cena and Nikki Bella are still together. Nikki Bella wants to get married and have kids, but John Cena does not see marriage or kids in his future. However, the couple is attempting to compromise.

Who is stronger Nikki Bella or brie Bella?

Nikki Bella is stronger

Is nikki bella with john cena?

Yes she want to be Mrs.Cena