

Is The Undertaker a real demon?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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Absolutely Not

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Q: Is The Undertaker a real demon?
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Who won undertaker or undertaker 2?

real undertaker won because nobody can defeat undertaker. he can even beat his soul!

Do Kane and undertaker brothers?

The wrestlers The Undertaker and cane are not at all related, but the wrestling world calls them brothers. the Undertaker has four real brothers.

Is Kane and undertaker real brothers like with their real names?

No .undertaker's real name is mark calloway and Kane's real name is glnn Jacobs

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Mark Callaway is the Undertaker's real name.

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Kane and Undertaker aren't related in real life.

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Yes, the Undertaker is Michelle McCool's real-life boyfriend.

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The Undertaker is actually married with three children.

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He is technically real, because he is a real person.