No .undertaker's real name is mark calloway and Kane's real name is glnn Jacobs
Yeah they were really brothers for real as if they like to kill each other for some reasons
what i know is that Kane and Undertaker are brothers. enemy just know that wrestling is a game just like any other game you can think of. eg football. they are not enemies.
Yes. Just like the Hardyz. The Hardyz have a video of their childhood. Soon The Brothers of Destruction will have their own DVD.
Yes they are friends
No they are not brothers! Hell, they are not even remotely related! Undertaker's actual name is Mark Callaway while Kane's actual name is Glenn Jacobs. They are just storyline brothers.
The Real brothers in WWE are Jeff and Matt Primo and Carlito Undertaker and Kane and i think Shad and JTG May 2010- Matt and Jeff Hardy are brothers as is Primo and Carlito, Golddust and COdy Rhodes. Kane and Undertaker are NOT related In real life only in storyline and Shad and JTG are not related either in real life not even in storyline.
The storyline was that the undertaker and kanes parents died in a fire and that the undertaker thought Kane to be dead as well but Kane escaped with "serious burns''
Kane betrayed his brother because he felt that the undertaker had gotten to soft. Because Undertaker had forgotten all about his "Deadman" phase and was acting like a biker plus he rescued Stephanne mcmanon and Kane hated that
it's because in the old days when kane was masked he had hair. my mum said that he looked like the undertaker and he does as well He looks nothing like the undertaker
Answerlisten they don't hate each other what makes you think that? AnswerSince the Undertaker and Kane are half brothers, they hated each other because Undertaker set Kane on fire when they were kids. that's why Kane had third degree burns. that's why Kane wore a you idiot Undertaker hates Kane for killing there parents.AnswerThe on screen characters Kane and Undertaker no longer hate each other....they tend to try and "one up" each other, but generally enjoy working together. I don't know if Mark Calaway and Glen Jacobs like each other or not...that sounds like a good question to ask
A couple of months ago while wrestling Rey Mysterio on SmackDown! The Undertaker suffered a concussion, broken nose, and a broken orbital bone (a bone around your eye). WWE story lines say that Kane found the Undertaker in a vegetable like state and Kane has vowed vengeance upon the person that beat up the Undertaker. At SummerSlam, The Undertaker came out of a casket and tried to chokeslam Kane, but it was countered and Kane Tombstoned The Deadman. Kane then later revealed that is was he who put The Undertaker in a vegetative state.
paul keeps undertakers powers in it so when he shows it to undertaker,undertaker gets better to fight like kane vs undertaker kane also is the same as undertaker he gets on his ruff side when he sees it and it is something in it that is for undertaker and kane paul died, so undertaker and kane had it to keep and now in 2013 cm punk has it in his hand and attaked undertaker revenge will be on cm punk because undertaker is serious on him do you also know paul is dead in real life he died in 2013 i loved him for them he died in march 5,2013