Absolutely! Many experts have used it many times, and continue to do so. Even many color belt students have successfully defended themselves in dangerous situations before even becoming experts. The thing to remember is that part of your Taekwondo training is about learning the basics in segments, then putting it together as a whole. The higher rank you become, the more time should be spend on reality training with pads and heavy contact (with the safety of your partners in mind), and re-creating real-life scenarios.
Too many advance Taekwondo students do not make this complete transition. They have good technical knowledge, but fail to convert it into street application under stress, and pressure of fighting someone who does not fight like them. Street fighters fight dirty, and do not follow any rules, therefore in order to win the fight in the street and survive, a Taekwondoist must be ready to apply the correct techniques in an aggressive and adaptable way that does not fit the mold of forms, one-steps, or free sparring under restrictive rules.
You do learn to defend yourself, but remember that one of the goals of TaeKwon Do is to defend yourself to the point that you can live for another day.
The best thing is not to get yourself in a bad situation that would require physical force. If you can't avoid it, use what you have been taught, and if that doesn't work, use whatever comes to mind to end the situation.
Yes, Olympic taekwondo can be used for self defense, but it is generally better to fight dirty when you're defending your life. You don't need to follow Olympic rules when your opponent isn't trying to score points. For example, a side kick to the knee would be illegal in the ring, but it one of the better ways to break your attackers leg, making it much easier to run away.
Tae kwon do is the Korean version of karate. Neither is 'better' than the other. It will also depend upon what the student is looking for. Visit both dojo and see what you like and don't like about what you see.
In my experience, I found Tae Kwon Do to be a more advanced and proper martial art than Karate.
Their are different style's of Karate with Different good or Bad points 'Shodokan is lower and is more solid, Gojo is more upright and better flow, also different instructor's with different perspectives and levels of experience and ability to pass on that experience as is the same for Tai Kwon Do, Basically Tai Kwon Do has better jumping/ spinning Kicks where as Karate is generally more grounded and has more punches/strikes with lower solid kicks.
None,judo and karate are two different things, each one has its advantages anddisadvantages.In judo you have to throw people to the ground. In Karate you can punch and kick.
There are many different strikes in this defense. There is the chest or face thrust, front or side of the head strike, single hand grab, and both hands grab. There are actually more than 10,000 techniques.
ballet is way better way more skilled and advanced than karate if you are doing karate and not ballet then you are a full moron you have to be way more skilled to do ballet then you have to do to do karate and karate is just kicking radomly and punching radomly ballet is way more organized than that
If by games you mean sports. Martial arts are not sports, but many of them have gone the competition route and focus on sporting events. They teach you self defense, and if necessary, who to maim or kill someone trying to hurt you. Tae kwon do and judo are a sports. Okinawan shorei-ryu, goju-ryu and Jiu Jitsu are martial arts. Traditional karate and jiu jitsu are much more brutal.
Better for what? You need to ask what is better for you. They both have different aspects on discipline and execution of techniques.
I believe that because the Koreans are taller than most Japanese, taekwondo was based around kicks as it was easier and kicks have more power than punches. Karate, like-wise, is based on punches because it was harder for most Japanese to kick at the height of a Korean's head. That being said.. taekwondo still has plenty of strikes and blocks as karate has many kicks
Yes because I think they are vs. the jets and the bears did better than them and Lions have a better defense than the Bears.
nothing is better, but some things are equal, like: running, video games and a ps3 and 4
What you get out of karate is abs,courage,strength,respect,citizenship, and a body that look HOT!