No because Kane or Glen Jacobs and Undertaker or Mark Calaway are not even brothers that was just a storyline.
Yes kanes dad is married to undertakers mom @_@
They aren't brothers so they don't have the same mom.
The story is, Kane and the undertaker were playing with matches and Kane accidently burned down the house killing his mom and dad. The undertaker felt responsible for this because he was the oldest and should've known better. Paul Bearer (the undertaker's manager) made the undertaker believe that he burned it down and the undertaker admitted that he did but he didn't. The undertaker thought Kane was dead after the fire but the Kane interfered in the undertakers match with shawn michaels for the first time. Taker looked at Kane confused and Kane delivered a tombstone piledriver. And that's the undertakers childhood story. (:
no Kane killed her, well it was a fire, but Kane started iit.
NO WAY!!!! Ok when the undertaker was a little boy his mother or father died and his mom or dad married kanes mom or dad and that makes Kane undertakers step brother. And trust me I am his #1 fan in the whole entire world!! he is sooo hot!!
in a fire
There has never been a mention of The Undertakers mother on WWE television.
Kane and undertaker are not related in real life
well we dont know but have ya seen what kain did he. burned his mom and dad grave. undertaker had tears in his eyes
No, his dad lives in Winnipeg. His mom lives with him in Atlanta.No, his mom is with him and his mom is divorced from his dad.