Cyber Sunday 2007: Batista defeated Undertaker (w/Stone Cold as special guest referee)
yes because hhh beat undertaker so can batista
you will have to beat Batista and undertaker in a handicap match
i think he will hell in a cell is undertakers best match he has more expierence i think the cyber Sunday match was only 2 show that batista could beat the undertaker but now its suvivors series nd i think undertaker will become a 6 time world champion nd probs lose it bak 2 batista after wrestlemania or maybe 2 Kane i think people are bored of batista as champ taker is a better champion his matches r more interstin Well edge came in and beat up undertaker and put batista on top of undertaker the ref pinned and batista won
Yes he beat him at TLC
i heard that undertaker is going to keep the title until the royal rumble where he will lose it to batista...
In a cage match last Friday. Mysterio smacked the cage door into Batista's face.
depends on who the writers make win the match but i think undertaker is stronger
he lost vs the undertaker at wreslmania 23 i think or 24th dont know need check but dat was a fair match. have a great day
- Because the WWE writers told him to do it. - Because at a December Dismember (Batista vs. Undertaker) Edge came in the ring and beat The Undertaker. And let Batista won the WH championship.
Batista made a low blow when the ref wasn't looking went on to hit the undertaker with a chair to get the pinfall. But if you remember the match was a chair match in which chairs were the only chairs were leagle. Teddy Long saw that error and restarted the match.
At Cyber Sunday 2008 The main event was the World Heavyweight Championship match between Batista and The Undertaker. Steve Austin was announced as the Special Guest Referee. Both Batista and The Undertaker had the match in their advantage. Batista hit a series of powerslams and throws on the Undertaker. Undertaker, however, hit a chokeslam on Batista, but only got a two count. Undertaker then followed up with a Last Ride. Undertaker then went for a Tombstone Piledriver, but Batista reversed the move into a Spinebuster, but got a two-count. Batista then executed a Batista Bomb on The Undertaker, but Undertaker kicked out. Batista then executed another Batista Bomb and pinned The Undertaker to successfully retain the World Heavyweight Championship it wasnt the undertaker that he fought it was chris Jericho ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was At Cyber Sunday 2007 Undertaker vs Batista WHC It was At Cyber Sunday 2008 (where chris Jericho faced Batista) WHC However Stone Cold was Referee at Both Times By Atit Anish Patel
No. Undertaker won the match.