Ali Sayyid Muhamed Mustafa al-Bakri was born on 1966-04-18.
he was born in Louisville, Kentucky
As of June 2014, Muhamed Bešić is 21 years old.
None, just one brother (Rudi)
Jared Greg Bouslog
No, he did not, he was just a boxer, not the founder of New York.
Muhamed Ali?
Cassius Clay turned Muhamed Ali fought Lewis in 1972 at Croke Park.
Yes,still people die for MJ.
No Muh amed Ali is not blind but as he can see well he comes to see his daughter box as she is a professinal boxer , and a champion to . But Muhamed Ali suffers from parkinson disease,and very badly to.
Muhammad Ali won one Olympic medal, a gold in light heavyweight boxing at the 1960 Summer Games in Rome.
he beleived in his right and did not let anyone push him around or tell him what to do leading to his imprisonment and lack of fighting