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There are 2 different Olympic styles of Wrestling. The first is Freestyle wrestling. The second is Greco-Roman wrestling. There is also Folkstyle wrestling, which is the style that American High Schools compete in. There is an altered version of folkstyle called College wrestling, which is the style that American colleges and universities compete in. Freestyle involves moves used on and by both the upper and lower body, while Greco-Roman wrestling limits the wrestlers to only upper body moves, mainly throws. Here is the official website of USA wrestling.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Wrestling moves are only limited by the imagination of the wrestlers. Even the most basic move can be modified in countless ways to make new moves (hammer lock, duck-under hammer lock, elevated hammer lock), or combined in a chain of moves to make a longer move (Three Amigos, Five-Star Reversal, Five-Knuckle Shuffle).

Ultimately, there are millions, possibly billions, of distinct moves that can be used in professional wrestling. Here are just some of the most basic...

Lock-up, Jab, Cross-punch, Uppercut, Standing elbow, Slap, Overhand chop, Backhand chop, Outside arm bar, Inside arm bar, Key lock, Top wrist lock, Hammer lock, Windmill, Knee, Drop toe hold, Irish whip, Suplex (of many varieties), Arm drag, Big back body drop, Monkey flip, Moonsault (or Lionsault), Senton (or Swanton) bomb, Splash, Drop kick, Shooting star press, Single/Double-leg pin, Inside cradle, Small package, Sunset flip, Crossface, Figure-4 leg lock, Boston crab, Abominal stretch, Grapevine, Sleeper (Rear naked choke), Reverse chin lock, Head lock, Fireman carry, Front face lock, Snapmare, Facebuster, Neckbreaker, Backbreaker, Atomic drop, Front kick, Roundhouse kick, Spinning kick, Enzuigiri, Body slam, Choke slam, Sidewalk slam, Bulldog, Piledriver, and DDT, just to name a few!

Invariably, every single one of those moves (along with some that I probably forgot) can have many variations. Suplex, for example, can be Vertical, Fisherman, German, Belly-to-belly, Double-hook, and so on. Even more confusing, is that Mexican Lucha Libre uses the word "Suplex" for the move that we call "Arm drag". A Swanton bomb is an example of a variation of the Senton bomb.

Indeed, it would be impossible to list every possible wrestling move, or to count them. By the time the list is done, some new ones will probably have been invented. ope this helps!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

there are 4

cruser weight

Light heave weight

Heavy weight

Super heavy weight

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Way, way to many broseph.

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