Things/people that attend a bullfight are: the audience (dressed nicely), the bulls, and matadors.
There are many important participants in a bullfight but the main ones are the matador and the bull. Without either of these there could be no bullfight.
In a traditional Spanish bullfight there are usually 3 matadores, each fighting two bulls.
In a traditional Spanish bullfight there are usually 3 matadores, each fighting two bulls.
Usually there are three matadores in each traditional bullfight and each fights 2 bulls.
because you are killing innocent animals.
18,000 people can attend an ancient Greek play!
The matador, the torero who kills the bull, is the star of the bullfight.
Over 600 people attend the conference.
3 million people attend Kentucky a year.
The bullfight is over when the final bull (6th) is killed.