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Karate has a number of Branches (like Shotokan, Goju-ryu, etc.) and eack style branch may have even more sub-branches (for e.g. Shito-ryu alone has around 25 sub-branches).

Traditionally each style has a single 10th dan at the top of the organization. There are many individuals that are not happy with being unable to raise to that level, so they create their own style, so that they can promote themselves to that rank. I have met and trained with three individuals that have reached the rank of 10th dan through the organizations they have been members of for over 50 years.

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George Chung is a former 5 time world karate champion and is a member of the Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame.

Is karate played world wide?

Karate isn't played but practiced. Yes its pretty much all over the world.

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No, karate is an Okinawan word for a martial art that has spread throughout the world.

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What is some basic information on Kwanmukan Karate?

Kanmukan karate is a martial art system developed by George Anderson, Hanshi. It blends Okinawa karate, Korean karate, and kung-fu influences. Kwanmukan Karate is world wide.

What is the different between Okinawan karate and plain karate?

There is no "Plain Karate." Karate originated in Okinawa. It has spread throughout the world. It has been modified in many places and there is what is often referred to as Japanese Karate, Korean Karate and even American Karate. They all incorporate aspects of the original styles from Okinawa, and incorporate local martial arts as well.

How did Karate become famous?

Karate really spread from Japan to the rest of the world after World War 2. The movies and television helped spread awareness of the art.

Does Sebastian like meirin in the anime black butler?

No. The world's pretty sure he's in love with his "Young Master."

Who is the first American to win the World Koshiki Karate Championship?

John Gaddy is the first American to win the World Koshiki Karate title 1985 in Brisbane, Australia.