International Okinawan Gōjū-ryū Karate-dō Federation was created in 1979.
World Karate Union Hall of Fame was created in 1996.
Panamerican Karate Federation was created in 1975.
European Karate Federation was created in 1963.
International Shotokan Karate Federation was created in 1977.
Genseiryū Karate-do International Federation was created in 1959.
USA National Karate-do Federation was created in 1996.
You should get affiliated/registered with All India Karate-Do Federation (AIKF) and Indian Olympic Association. That will make it easy to get International registration with World Karate Federation (WKF) and Asian Karate-do Federation.
World Federation of the Deaf was created in 1951.
World Bodybuilding Federation was created in 1990.
World Darts Federation was created in 1976.
World Capoeira Federation was created in 2011.
Lutheran World Federation was created in 1947.