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This answer cannot be answered exactly. It is up to the individual as how dedicated you are. Someone who trains everyday of their life will most certainly progress fasted than someone who only trains once a week.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

This depends on how good you are, and how old you are. you must be 16 to get your brown (in NZ anyway), which can take up to 6 years to get to, assuming that you are very good. After that it is all dependant on how fast you can accumilate 10 points from judo copms. Meaning you must get 10 ippons, 20 wazaris and so on, against people of brown belt or higher.

That's a total lie 6 years! You must be extremely dumb i live in the UK and i got orange belt in under 2 years 1 and a half to be precise and i was about to grad with a green belt and that would of only taken a few months to complete that set of skills eaven with some mistakes but my sensei sorted them out i could have had a black belt (dan grade) after 3 years and im going back to complete greenbelt and to get past black so stop telling so much lies!

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βˆ™ 10y ago

It will depend on a number of factors. Most styles and schools have a minimum time frame to earn a black belt, typically 3 years. And it may also depend on tournament participation and the number of classes one can attend.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

That depends entirely on the school and how hard one trains. It is typically 3 to 4 years of quality training.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It depends on how hard you work. The average time for someone that trains a couple times a week is about 4 years. Many have a minimum time, our style requires at least 3 years of training.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

You can get a black belt between 4-8 years depending on how good you are. You have to show your expertise to advance through levels. Just keep practicing in dojo.

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βˆ™ 17y ago

Depends upon the dojo and the organization. Most places have a minimum three year period to get a black belt. In my style of karate the average runs somewhere between four and five years.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Any were between 3-10 years.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

about3-10 years if you are Lucky

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Q: How long would it take to become a black belt in karate?
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The black stripe means that you have graduated to the senior belt of that color. For example: if you were yellow belt your next belt would be a senior yellow belt.

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No. You have to earn the belts over time, even if you defeat a black belt.

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Does dans have anything to do with Karate?

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