i cant read your spelling soz. soz 4 being rude but that may be y nobody has awnsered your question
Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) is a wrestling promotion based in kentucky.
Of course he was in OVW
No, the owner of OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling) is Danny Davis.
Ohio Valley Wrestling USED to be World Wrestling Entertainment's development territory. As of the week of February 10, 2008 WWE has parted ways with OVW, leaving FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling) as the only territory!
To train for the WWE, you can always go to FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling), or OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling). Both have very good trainers. I would recommend Florida, though it cost more to go there.
The school with the most students to turn pro is Ohio Vally Wrestling (OVW)
Ohio Valley Wrestling is only shown in the Louisville, Kentucky CW Market. Unless some deal was reached that would allow OVW to be on in the UK, I don't think OVW programming is available. Youtube is a good source for OVW releated things and I highly recommend it.
Become a good wrestler and then try at get a trial.
In OVW, the WWE developmental center, wrestling under the name Seven.
I forgot, OVW or a wrestling school is useful.
No experience is needed to go to OVW's school. In fact since they teach the "WWE" style of wrestling and not the Independent style, not having any experience might be better for your chances there.
ovw doesn't come on tv.