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Q: How has arnis developed over the centuries?
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They were developed in Japan over the last centuries

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Modern pigs have been developed, over many centuries, from wild pigs.

Who disccovere the math?

What math? Math has many different areas, that were developed over the course of several centuries.

Who discover arnis in the Philippines?

It is not discovered, It's a martial art developed in the Philippines that was brought to the islands long before it was called Arnis. Arnis is a Spanish word (Harness of the hand).There are no known record where there is a single source of where Arnis,Eskrima, and Kali(Filipino Martial arts) originated. While there is similarities or common origins from Indonisiean and Malasian arts, cultural and environmental conditions evolved Filipino Martial Arts, From Mindanao(kali), Visayas (escrima) and Luzon(Arnis).

What is arnis background?

what is arnis

How was kung fu discovered?

It wasn't discovered they way a new element or island is discovered. Kung fu was developed over many centuries. Combat skills were developed, refined and improved over time.

Who is the father of arnis?

George Arnis

What are the mechanics of arnis?

Mechanics of arnis

Who is name is the person who made math?

Math was not invented by a single person. It developed over centuries, and hundreds of people contributed to it.

Who invented scientific method?

The scientific method was developed over a few centuries, especially in the Renaissance. Galileo had a big part on developing it. Francis Bacon developed the scientific method.

Regional names of arnis in the Philippines?

Arnis-was a bogu