A spear or sword is driven down in between the bull's shoulder blades straight down to its heart. This is a much easier target to kill a bull than trying to drive the sword or spear into the back of a bull's head.
If your talking about the Spanish bull fighting. Yes, they would chase the bull around the ring teasing it, and making it tired each horsemen or the men on foot will attempt to spear the bull. (These spears are sharp and often colored brightly) Eventually they will give the bull the finishing blow. The bull will die and they normally get a horse or something that can pull the bull (with a rope that they have tied to it's legs, they then tie this to the harness of the other animal) they then pull the bull away.
Another answer:
In the traditional Spanish bullfight, the bull is killed during the bullfight. In Portugal, however, the bull is killed after the fight and out of the sight of the public.
There are two reasons:
1.) Killing the bull, at least in Spanish-style fights, is the aim of the fight but to be done in an exciting and artistic manner.
2.) A more practical reason the bull is killed is to prevent it from being 'recycled' or used again in another fight once the bull has healed. In a bullfight the bull has never encountered a man on foot all its life until it enters the ring. It thinks the cape is part of the man and attacks that. However, it quickly learns the cape is simply a lure and begins to go after the man. A 'recycled' bull would be extremely dangerous for the matador.
The matador kills using a slightly curved sword (estoque), not a spear. He has a small target slightly larger than a human fist that is directly behind the shoulder blades of the animal. If the sword hits the spot, it meets no resistance and severs a main artery near the heart. If not done properly it may puncture a lung and this is always met with booing from the fans. The reason the sword is curved is to cause more damage and kill the bull faster when he is forced, by waving the cape by a torero, to move his head back and forth.
To kill the bull properly the matador must go in directly over the horns and this is the most dangerous time for the man. It exposes the matador to a possible goring. Less honest matadores will try to move off to the side to kill the bull.
The great matador Manolete was killed by a bull in Linares, Spain, in 1947 as he went in over the horns for the kill. The goring severed his femoral artery in his leg.
However, he still hit the mark and the bull also died before Manolete could be carried to the infirmary.
After running with the bull they go into the arena. If you are talking about were they go after the bull fight the get killed because it is part of the act.
If bulls do fight, there is always the possibility that one or both could be seriously injured and would no longer be suitable to be fought in a bullring. Ranchers try to avoid situations where bulls might be injured or killed as they have a great deal of money invested in the animals.
Yes they get killed
The matador kills the bull after the bull fight.
Because its called a bull fight and they wouldn't use sheep or goats in a bullfight.because it would be silly not to use bulls in fights with the word bull in the name.
Bulls don't provide buffalo meat, buffalos provide buffalo meat. Bulls provide beef.
Most likely the bull will win because it will gore the gorilla with its sharp horns to death. Since gorillas can only throw things or use their chests to fight, they will not beat bulls, especially when the bull is angry. Gorillas and bulls are not predators, but bulls are more skilled in fighting.
Historically it was ceremonially killed by the matador at the end of the program. This is now illegal in many countries, and the bull is generally recaptured and possibly is used again in subsequent shows.
Bulls and cows are actually red green colour-blind. It is the annoying waving of the cape that causes the bull to charge in a bull-fight arena.
Sitting Bull's father, Jumping Bull, was killed by a Crow raiding party in approximately 1859. The exact date is not known.
- 11th May 1801 - José Delgado ("Pepe Hillo"),killed by the bull Barbudo.- 20th April 1862 - José Rodríguez ("Pepete"),killed by the bull Jocinero.- 16th May 1920 - José Gómez ("Joselito"),killed by the bull Bailador.- 7th May 1922 - Manuel Granero,killed by the bull Pocapena.- 11th August 1934 - Ignacio Sánchez Mejías,killed by the bull Granadino.- 28th August 1947 - Manuel Rodríguez Sánchez ("Manolete"),killed by the bull Islero.- 26th September 1984 - Francisco Rivera ("Paquirri"),killed by the bull Avispado.- 30th August 1985 - José Cubero ("Yiyo"),killed by the bull Burlero.i hope this answered your question (sorry if it dosent :(
Bulls and cows are actually red green colour-blind, so are not afraid of the colour red. It is the annoying waving of the cape that causes the bull to charge in a bull-fight arena.