Historically it was ceremonially killed by the matador at the end of the program. This is now illegal in many countries, and the bull is generally recaptured and possibly is used again in subsequent shows.
Bulls are always killed in the fight and then butchered. The only exception would be the rare case when an exceptional bull receives an indulto or pardon. They are then returned to the bull ranch (ganaderia) and used as seed bulls. It is illegal to 'recyle' bulls as the animal would be especially dangerous if it is fought again. It has learned that the man is the enemy and not the cape.
Of all countries that permit the traditional Spanish-style bullfight, the only one that prohibits a bull from being killed in the ring is Portugal. In that country the bulls are killed and butchered Behind the Scenes.
Bulls are never recycled. That is illegal and would be a very dangerous practice. The main premise of a bullfight is that the bull has never encountered a man on foot before entering the bullring. He is attracted to the motion of the cape and believes it to be part of the man. He quickly learns that the cape is just a lure or decoy. If the fight were allowed to go on more than 15 or 20 minutes, the matador would most assuredly be gored as the bull has learned that his foe is not the cape but the man behind the cape.
After a bull is killed in the ring, it is dragged by mules to a butcher shop at the bullring where it is butchered and the meat is either sold or donated to charity. It is not wasted.
In Spanish, bull = toro.
A picador is one of the pair of horsemen in a Spanish bullfight that jab the bull with a lance.
Nobody 'throws spears' at the bull during a typical Spanish style bullfight.
The matador, the torero who kills the bull, is the star of the bullfight.
The bullfight is over when the final bull (6th) is killed.
A Spanish bullfight cheer is ole. This means "bravo" and is a cry of approval shouted by the spectators during bullfights.
The minimum weight for a bull in a regular bullfight is 1000 pounds but a mature bull can weigh 1600 pounds or more. I have not seen any record weight for a fighting bull.
There are many important participants in a bullfight but the main ones are the matador and the bull. Without either of these there could be no bullfight.
The bull is almost guaranteed to die in the bullfight.
Bull fighting :)
Bullfighting is tauromaquia.A bullfight is a corrida de toros.A bullfighter is a torero.The torero who kills the bull is the matador.
Spanish Bullfight in Madrid - 1912 was released on: USA: 1 November 1912