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no kane did

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Q: Did undetaker kill his parents
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Is the Undetaker banished?

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How old is undetaker?

turned 45 March 24 2010

Did cane kill his parents?

No cane did not kill his parents.

Why did Zeus kill his parents?

Zeus did not kill his parents, they were immortal.

Who killed the undetaker?

nobody killed him. its just a storyline for him to recover from his injuries.

Is Kane and undetaker really brothers?

they are wrestling brothers but not real brothers

How did Hercules kill his parents?

Hercules did not kill his parents. He killed his children.

Why Undertaker want to kill his parents?

he didnt want tew kill his parents Kane killed them n the fire.... He didn't kill his parents.

Who won at wrestle-mania between undertaker and Triple H?

The undertaker

Can you kill your parents?

NO you can not