No Undertaker's streak did not end (sadly i wanted hbk to end it). If you watch the latest wrestlemania wich is wrestlemania 27 Triple H could not end the 19-0 streak(sadly).
No one is ever going to end the streak.
If anyone should end Undertakers streak it should be Kane with out his mask
It will end the shield Might end it at wrestlemania 30 The streak is never going to end, and the Shield is not facing Undertaker at WrestleMania. It's not happening.
i hope not but who knows u have to wait to find out
that is really easy the wwe will never let undertakers streak be broken he is just going to retire with it still intact
No, why would the wwe scriptwriter let Shawn michaels end undertaker's winning streak. He might lose one day and that day will be undertakers last day in wwe No, why would the wwe scriptwriter let Shawn michaels end undertaker's winning streak. He might lose one day and that day will be undertakers last day in wwe
no undertaker really beats them
He currently has an 18-0 streak on WrestleMania.
The Undertakers ended in 1965.