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Q: Did randy Orton set the undertaker on fire?
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How did undertaker escape from a casket when Kane set it on fire?

There would have been a trap door.

Who is returnig to WWE?

The Rock is set to return at Summerslam 09'! The big match is set to be Triple H, Batista and The Rock vs. Randy Orton, Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes (legacy). It will be settledmin a Hell in a Cell elimination match. The Undertaker will return at Summerslam to take on Edge and Jeff Hardy in a triple threat match for the WWE Heavyweight Championship>>>>>>>>>>Joey Styles

What Kane history?

Kane and the undertaker are half brothers. That's why the Undertaker got in trouble most of the time. When they were young they set there parents on fire. Kane is not really evil nor the Undertaker. They just play a character for the WWE business.

Why undertaker lit his house?

no,kane burned kanes face.he set his house on fire when he was a kid and his face caught on fire when he was too close 2 the fire

What is the next WWE Main Event in 2009?

It is Judgment Day. Some matches that are set as of now are Randy Orton vs. Batista for WWE title and Edge vs. Jeff Hardy for World Heavyweight title

Is the Undertaker in this year's Royal Rumble match and if not why isn't he?

He should be in it. He will probably refuse if he isn't involved heavilly in the finish though like he did with the battle royal for the tittle on smackdown. He pretty much picks and chooses when to turn up. If he does take part hell probably make someone with potential job to him again like Randy orton....Answerhe just did an appearance where he broke the ring and set up for his feud with Kurt Angle

Who burned Kanes face?

Actually the storyline goes as this... The Undertaker is Kane's older brother, and when they were little Undertaker set his house on fire and killed his parents and badly burned Kane's face, The Undertaker thought his brother was dead but found out later he was alive and Kane wore the mask to cover up his scars... in the storyline anyway

Did Kane and undertakers parents really die in the house fire?

the storyline is fake none of the "undertaker killed his parents and left his brother Kane for dead" is true Kane and undertaker are considered storyline brothers just like edge and christian, and the major brothers. they are not related in real life but are friends

What happened in the match with the Undertaker and the Ortans at the last Main Event?

Undertaker lost and the Ortons: nailed the casket down, poured gas on it, and set it on fire! Although, the casket was later opened, and Undertaker wasn't in it. Undertaker is coming back someday, his contract last until June or July of 2007, and how can you kill a "Deadman?!" You can't kill something that's already dead! Hey Otrons RIP!

Will there be a rematch of Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton for the title shot at WrestleMania 22?

It has already taken place at No Way Out 2006. and Orton is going to Mania. All the Royal Rumble victory did for Rey was make a tribute to his friend Eddie Guerrero and admire that especially when mysterio entered #2. So it's set so far to be Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton but i don't think it will happen. Batista was never pinned or made submit so he NEVER lost the title. And i think he deserves a crack at the belt. So I predict it will be a triple threat match Angle vs Orton vs Batista. If you didn't know or watch No Way Out Batitsa made a shocking return and said he was healed from his injury.

Did Kane's and Undertaker's moms die in a fire when they were children?

Kane is Glen Jacobs and Undertaker is Mark Calarway. How can the father be the same? Their mom is the same but father is different. Glen and Mark aren't really related but the storyline is that Kane and Undertaker are. Also the storyline state's that Kane and Undertaker have the same mother, but not the same father. Kane's father is Paul Bearer (The man that carries the urn). That is why Bearer threatened Undertaker by exposing his secret if he wasn't his manager again. In fear Undertaker agreed, but in the first ever Hell in a Cell match Undertaker Vs HBK, Kane pulled the door off and attacked Undertaker giving HBK the win. They both have mentioned their dead mother who died in a fire apparently started by Undertaker, the brother were playing with matches but were punished when Undertaker's father found them. Undertaker was punished more than Kane because he was the oldest. His father explained what they were doing including that they were around flamable liquids. After punishing Undertaker he sent him on his way to do his chores. Undertaker looked back and saw Kane heading through a back door with some of the liquids in his hands, Undertaker dismissed the matter. He later came home to see the place a light in flames. He wanted to run in but the fire fighters stopped him. Undertaker believed that his mother, father and Kane were all dead, but Kane survived. Undertaker admitted a year later when he did a heel turn that he actually burned the funeral home and set it a light.

Did the mothers of Kane and The Undertaker die in a fire when they were children?

Our contributors disagree:NoYes, apparently The Undertaker set alight a small business that this family owned, and both of his parents died as well as one of his brothers. Kane was inside when the place was on fire but he survived with multiple cu, burns, and bruises. If you look at one of his eye's you can clearly see that it was so hurt from the fire that it messed up his eye.It's a contact lens. If you search for his real name and look at his family photos, you will see his eye is fine.