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Q: Did Aj Lee live homeless for three years before becoming a wrestler?
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How many presidents were generals before becoming executive leaders?

Three. (Taylor, Grant, and Eisenhower).

What is pinfall?

A pinfall in professional wrestling is when both of a wrestler's shoulders are held to the mat for the referee's count of three. If one or both the opponent's shoulders come off the mat before the referee's count of three, it is called a kick-out.

What is a near fall in wrestling?

A near fall in wrestling occurs when one wrestler almost pins their opponent but the opponent manages to kick out just before the referee counts to three. It is a dramatic moment in a match where victory is almost secured by one wrestler.

What number does a referee count to when a professional wrestler is pinned?

The ref must count to three.

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William McKinley Cleveland harrrison

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If you travel at the light speed, I think you will return to the starting point three weeks before the starting time, so becoming three weeks younger.

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He served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004

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He was backup quarterback for three years before becoming the starting quarterback in 2008.

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Three quarters of the population of Darwin were left homeless. 9,000 homes were destroyed, out of a city which had 12,000 residences. Prior to the cyclone, Darwin had around 43,500 people, but after Tracy hit, approximately 30,000 were homeless.

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Stoops was the defensive coordinator at the University of Florida for three seasons before becoming Oklahoma's head coach in 1999.

Were did Obama work before president?

There are several places that Obama worked before becoming president. He worked as director of the Developing Communities Project for three years in a church-based organization in Chicago among others jobs.