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Flip? You mean throw people? Karate includes grappling and throws in its arsenal of techniques.

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Q: Can you flip people in karate?
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Does karate teach you how to do a flip?

no xma does

Name something you do in karate that you don't do in boxing?

Kick Break Boards Flip Yell Bare Hands

Who came up with karate?

there are many different types of karate and they are all created by different people

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Can you be a teen and take karate?

There are no age limits in karate. People can start their journey at any age.

Is karate a cruel sport?

No, Karate is not a cruel sport, no it teaches people how to defend themselves and have fun.

How many people study karate a month?

There are tens of thousands of karate students in the US alone.

Why are asians good at karate?

Not all Asians are good at karate. People who learn and constantly practice karate will eventually become good at the martial art.

What sort of food do karate people eat?

Karate people eat the same as everyone else, however, most karate people prefer to eat healthy so that their training doesnt go down the drain so to speak. Karate people in training prefer low carb, non fatty and high vitamin B and iron foods.

Who is stronger the old Karate Kid or the new Karate Kid?

This is a trick question because true strength comes from character, and both of the karate kids are fake people.

How old were most of the people that studied Uechi Ryu karate?

All ages study Uechi Ryu karate.

Are all black people karate?

I think most black people know karate a lot a most every black person I know can ....stand on there head