

Can Batista really beat Kane

Updated: 12/10/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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yes,cause batista is bether than kane

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: Can Batista really beat Kane
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i think he will hell in a cell is undertakers best match he has more expierence i think the cyber Sunday match was only 2 show that batista could beat the undertaker but now its suvivors series nd i think undertaker will become a 6 time world champion nd probs lose it bak 2 batista after wrestlemania or maybe 2 Kane i think people are bored of batista as champ taker is a better champion his matches r more interstin Well edge came in and beat up undertaker and put batista on top of undertaker the ref pinned and batista won

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