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The moves in Wrestling are real, however the intent is not. It is scripted. It is mostly planned out before the event takes place. It might be more fair to say that the moves are "staged" rather than "fake". They put their bodies through extreme tests, and even guys in good condition would get seriously hurt messing with these guys. It's entertainment, not real competition. But not just anybody could jump in and get thrown around like that.

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14y ago

no its all fake when it sounds like they hit somebody they are jus stomping... why do u think they stomp everytime they throw a punch. and the blood is from packets

May 2010 - It is clear you don't have clue as to what you are talking about! Did you see the bruise on Miz's face after Big Show punched him and he didn't stomp nor was it makeup! Stick with things you know about wrestling isn't one of them. Unless you have been in the ring with a professional wrestler you are lying! I have been! Every punch they throw is real and hurts! Wrestlers love it when people say it is fake get in the ring with one and see how fake it is you would not last five seconds.

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Q: Are the moves in wrestling real or fake?
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No it is scripted not fake. The storylines are scripted the wrestling moves are not and are real

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The storylines are fake, the actual wrestling moves are real, I have been there done that.

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yes in fact most of it is real but some of wrestling is fake Many moves are real, they just know how to do them to decrease damage.

Is the WWE wrestling entertainment fake?

Yes sir it is fake But there might be fights that are not fake. Ones that aren't advertised on TV before it comes. NO THERE ARE ALL FAKE There is a difference between scripted and fake, the storyline is scripted the actual wrestling moves are real and they do hurt. They are trained to do the moves with the least amount of injuries.

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real wrestling is WWE which can hurt alot but some is fake and TNA is almost entirely fake which is not as sore a real wrestling

Are the wrestling moves on the WWE fake?

Some are fake and some are not.

How does cena make his matches look so real?

The only thing fake is the storyline the actual wrestling moves are real and hurt

Is all wrestling fake?

no The storylines are fake the actual wreslting moves no they are not.

Is WWE wrestling real?

Most of the time it is not real and only for entertainment purposes, some of the wrestling matches are real though. Sorry but no wrestling is not fake it is scripted which is two different things. The wrestling moves are very real and very painful have you even been in the ring didn't think so. I have.