A 90 yard touchdown pass from Bert Jones to Roger Carr against the Jets in 1975.
A 90 yard touchdown pass from Bert Jones to Roger Carr against the Jets in 1975.
There are no restrictions to a lateral pass. Since a lateral is not considered a forward pass, it cannot be 'incomplete' ... if the ball hits the ground play continues as if the ball was fumbled. If the player that catches the lateral pass is behind the line of scrimmage, they may then attempt a forward pass. While there can be only one forward pass on a play, there may be an unlimited number of lateral passes on a play. Any player on the team may throw a lateral pass and any player on the team may catch a lateral pass.
99 yards ... a play that goes from the offensive team's one yard line all the way for a touchdown.
A sack is when the quarterback is tackled behind the line of scrimmage before he can throw a forward pass/lateral. Tackling the quarterback behind the lime of scrimmage on a running play is not considered a sack.
When the ball is thrown forward over the line of scrimmage. This is allowed only once per play.
The longest penalty in an NFL game is undefined. A defensive pass interference penalty is assessed from the line of scrimmage to the spot of the foul. If the spot of the foul is 30 yards beyond the line of scrimmage, the penalty is 30 yards. If the spot of the foul is 18 yards past the line of scrimmage, the penalty is 18 yards. If the spot of the foul is 9 yards past the line of scrimmage, the penalty is 9 yards. A defensive pass interference penalty is the only penalty that can be longer than 15 yards.
No! A pass is only legal if it is thrown from behind the line of scrimmage. A pass is illegal if it is thrown from in front of the line of scrimmage.
"Legal" receivers are elligable to catch a pass. Players who start a play on the end of the line or in the backfield are elligable. Linemen can't cross the line of scrimmage before a foreward pass crosses the line or they are considered to be downfield illegally unless the pass is caught behind the line of scrimmage.
Screen Pass
Johnny Johnson
terry fox
No... ANSWER: If the QB goes back behind the line of scrimmage, then yes, he can still throw the ball. Crossing the line of scrimmage doesn't negate the QB's right to throw a legal forward pass on that play.