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Q: What fraternity has the most members play professional football?
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Alabama in 2011 and 2012.

Why do most men join fraternity?

Most men join Fraternities to meet new guys with similar qualities as themselves, to coordinate parties and to mingle with Sorority members.

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Most are trained lawyers .

Who holds the most rushing yards in professional football?

Emmitt Smith

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What is the most played sport in Libya?

It is definitely football. All the young teenagers dream playing it in a professional way. Their national football team called "The Greens" is ranked 78th among all the members of FIFA above countries like Iceland and Qatar.

What professional sports team sells the most merchandise?

Football and Baseball

How do you legalize a fraternity?

In most states, a fraternity has to be registered with the state in which it has a chapter. There are forms available at county courthouses in most states.

Most professional football championships?

Terry Bradshaw when he was with the Pittsburgh Steelers with 4 championships.