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Yes because it is important for kids to outdoors and running around.

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yes because it gets students into good habits and reduces the chance of them from becoming fat

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Q: Should students be required to play at least one sport?
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Why should female students participate in sport?

They shouldn't.

Should students be not be required to take PE if they have active extracurricular activities?

Regardless of extracurricular activities, physical education is important for overall health and wellness. It provides structured physical activity, teaches important lifelong fitness skills, and promotes teamwork and sportsmanship. All students can benefit from the physical, mental, and social aspects of PE.

Why every single kid should play at least 1 team sport?

Every Kid should play at least one sport for their health. They also should play so they can stay nice and healthy

Should high school students play sports?

students should play highschool sport because it keep one in shape and keeps the grades up and u get the ladies

Should kids play at least 1 sport in public or homeschool?


What sport do you use the least muscles?

Bowling is a sport that uses the least amount of muscles, as it primarily involves the arm and shoulder muscles for throwing the ball. The limited physical activity required for bowling makes it more of a leisurely or social activity rather than a highly physically demanding sport.

If training for sport related fitness what taining frequencys are required?

The training frequency would be at least 3 to 4 times a week.

Should athletes get good grades to play Sports?

No, grades and sports performance are different aspects of being a collegiate student-athlete.

Should student participate in extreme sport?

students should participate in etreme sports they may like and may help with some other sports

What is the least favourite Olympic sport?

The least popular Olympic sport is football.

Which sport is played least in France?

Wrestling is the least played sport in France.

How many goals in a row should a fourth grader at least be able shoot in basketball?

A fourth grader should atleast be able to make a least 4 depending on their skills n love for the sport if they love the sport enough they will do anything to improve their skills so the most should be four