No, grades and sports performance are different aspects of being a collegiate student-athlete.
Students are generally required to maintain a certain GPA to play sports because the school system does not want students or their families to place more emphasis on the sport than on education.
Setting a minimum GPA ensures that the student will focus on academics if they wish to continue playing the sport they enjoy.
striving hard to get high grades
athletes need to have good grades in order to play on after school programs because to have a minimum 2.0 GPA is not hard to ask for and school should come first
yes because if anyone can play they will play suckish.
of course they should have to have good grades because if everyone were allowed to compete in sports with a suckish grade then nobody would know discipline and no one would learn lessons- you NEED GOOD GRADES FOR/IN COLLEGE!!!
No pass, no play. If they make good, high grades then there is a smaller chance of them NOT passing.
yes because if you focus on sports you will get bad grades but if you really want to play you'd get good and and be able to play
Yes because grades are very important in life. They can be very helpful when it comes to job interviews. So you need to keep your grades up by doing good in school, so that includes studying and homework! So when you're at basketball or football or baseball practice then you won't have time to do homework after school. It may not seem like homework is important but it can really bring your grades up, so that's why students do need good grades to play sports in America
I do believe that middle and high school students should have to meet a grade requirement to be able to participate in sports teams and clubs. In our society, I think we give a lot of special treatment to athletes and sports stars simply because they're good at what they do. But, one day they won't be able to play that sport, and they won't have much left - only a lack of education and intelligence. This goes the same for colleges that recruit athletes without caring about their grades. It is unfair to both non-athletes and athletes, because everyone should be able to maintain their grades while participating in extracurriculars, whether they be sports or not.
NO definitely not. Sports in schools encourage good grades, good attendance, teamwork, and physical fitness
94% of all high school athletes have straight A's
Short and honest answer: No.