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its obvious u need a bat with good feel and fits good but i have another year before i can even tryout but almost positive u need a -3 bat

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Q: What size Baseball bat do you need for modified?
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What baseball bat brands make a -5 bat?

DeMarini brand makes a youth baseball bat that is -5 size.

Is a kilogram the size of a baseball bat?

A full size baseball bat measures about 33 inches to 36 inches. A kilogram measures 39,370 inches.

Does the size of a baseball bat affect how far the baseball will go?

Of course! If it was a mile wide, do think you could move it with a bat??

Can a white baseball bat be used in a high school baseball game?

no your bat has to be regulation size and very tan to use in a game

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What are facts about a baseball?

You need a glove, a bat, and bases.

What are the measurements on a Louisville slugger B267 model baseball bat?

Additional InformationBat Model B267 Bat Length 33" Bat Weight 30.5oz Bat Barrel 2.520" Bat Handle Size 1.005"

What is the most expensive wood youth baseball bat on the market?

It will cost 1,000,000 dollars to buy any bat and any size.

What are the steps to making a baseball bat?

Need wood or metal

What does 9.5 mean when referring to a baseball bat size?

Diameter of the ball is 9.5 inches

What is a good weight for a baseball bat for a kid?

depends on your kid's weight, size and strength

You are 5foot 7inches What size cricket bat handle would you need Small medium or large?

It doesn't matter what size bat handle you have just get the right size bat then try the different handles and then pick the one that feels right.