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Q: What kind of talent do most people have?
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What kind of talent does harry styles like in girls?

singing girls he love the most

What qualities did Jackson have that people admired the most?

His talent and his personality.*

Are you born with a talent?

most people are, but you sure aren't! (just look at yourself-- Is there any hope? No!)

How do people with no arms play snooker?

Talent - Lots of Talent....

How do you not be shy for a talent show?

The best thing you can do is to practice your talent over and over until you can do it with thinking about it. Also, most people are shy or nervous for talent shows. Breathing really deeply and slowly two times can help with anxiety.

What kind of show is the American version of Talent?

The kind of shows which are the American version of the UK show Talent will include a variety of different television shows including the following: America's Got Talent, American Idol, and The X-Factor.

What kind of talent do you think you have?

Making excellent excuses!

Is soccer a talent or it is just about practice?

Soccer can be both a talent and can be perfected with practice. Some people are 'born' with soccer skills, but most anyone can become a talented player with practice and dedication.

What is Katy Perry's most favorite song?

Katy perry's favorite song of hers is firework because she wants to let people know that everyone has a talent and they should follow what the talent is.

What is a talent in measurement?

In my opinion talent in measurement is the happiness you bring to people when you share that talent. The more happiness you bring to people the more talented you are. Like if you get a standing ovation if you're a singer, or if you get people laughing if you're a comedian, or if you dazzle people if you are a magician. That in my opinion is how talent is measured! :)

Is the word talent a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'talent' is a common noun, a general word for natural ability or skill; a word for any talent of any kind.

What kind of people does john cena respect?

Kind people,people who respect,but most of all the cenation.