Not at all. It takes a lot of practice, hard work and talent.
It is not very likely. But if you are willing to practice and train hard go for it. The worst that can happen is they will say no. Maybe you have a natural talent for soccer. Work hard and go for it!!
You have to practice a lot, work hard and just practice having a soccer ball at your feet.
The only way to get better at soccer is to practice, practice, practice! You could join a team or just practice at your house and play with your friends.
lots and lots of practice or your just born with talent
I reckon just practice your kicks, and basically anything that you would do in a soccer game. Get your mojo back yeah? Practice, practice, practice is the key.
Practice, practice, practice. And a lot of talent.
"to soccer practice."
nothing, just practice!
Practice Practice Practice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If you got talent!
practice, practice, PRACTICE !
There isn't a specific place to practice talent skills, but you can go to the Wilderness and practice or use them throughout the meadows.